Team building is one of the most essential things when people are working together.
It strengthens their relationships to deliver their project more effectively together.
Helping each other out will make the entire work more efficient and your colleagues are more motivated. Plus, mental health plays a crucial role in having overall healthy staff.
But how to get there? Only playing roulette gambling online won’t be enough.
Why is Team Building important?
One for all, all for one: What sounds desirable is not achievable in everyday working life without effort. When different characters come together in heterogeneous teams, it is crucial to forming them into a powerful unit through motivation and targeted team building measures.
For a team to work together in the company and achieve common goals, it needs authentic team spirit. To promote this, suitable team building measures must be used that are specifically suited to the team.
What team building measures are available for companies? And which ones promise success? In this article, you will read how good teams function and which team building measures are suitable for specifically promoting cohesion within a team.
Why are Games important?
The term team building refers to a wide variety of measures, games, exercises, and methods aimed at the following:
- to promote team development,
- to optimize the cooperation of the team,
- to optimize the team ability of each individual employee,
- to increase the team spirit and teamwork within the company,
- strengthen the resilience of the team and
- to expand the cohesion of colleagues.
Team building measures such as team building games or team events play an important role in every company. It is one of the unwritten laws of business that successful teamwork is the cornerstone of outstanding results. For this reason, companies of all sizes pursue the goal of implementing individual measures and games for successful team building as part of working hours or team events, and in this way strengthen the team’s cohesion.
Teambuilding: How a successful Team is composed?
A successful company consists of differently qualified individuals who are willing to work together as a team and learn from each other. Individualists and loners, as well as supervisors who focus primarily on rigid, hierarchical management structures, stand in the way of proactive team building.
This does not mean that it is wrong to be an expert in your field. Likewise, working alone and undisturbed to accomplish tasks is part of the normal workflow. At the same time, the ability to work in a team and to cooperate is an essential value standard in working life. The ability to work in a team includes being an active listener and being able to accept constructive criticism and learn from each other.
Companies lose valuable resources if qualified employees do not pass on professional knowledge and personal expertise to colleagues and there is no exchange within the department.
Lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between colleagues, which in turn could lead to the failure of a project. Since it can be difficult to communicate openly and, in a benefit-oriented manner, especially for new employees who are not yet familiar with the company’s internal structures, many companies rely on team building measures.
Team Building in this context means getting to know each other in an informal private atmosphere or learning to trust one’s team partner in cooperation games. In summary, team building measures and team building games pursue the goal of forming a group of individuals in which each member knows his or her role and fits into the team. This is exactly what is required in online games to successfully solve the task and make staff feel comfortable at work.
Which online Games to play with the Team after Work?
Since the online regime was introduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was ever more important to build up a team in a remote manner. Which is more difficult. Because social contact without seeing each other face to face and reading the body language of the other one is essential. So, employers had to get creative.
The following games can be played online in order to keep social distance. Or especially after the lift of many of the restrictions can be played after work or during the weekends for more team building measures.
- If it is a new team which must stick together at work but actually are very different, the game ‘Ice Breaker’ is recommended. Here you get to know your new colleagues by asking very funny questions. It is way more than just how you are, what is your favourite colour or asking about their favourite dish. The questions are more personal but not in an inappropriate way. For example: what was the stupidest thing you did as a child.
- Another one you should take into consideration is ‘Two lies and one truth’. Here every member writes down as the name says it. And the others have to guess which ones are lies and find out the truth about their new group member. You are free to choose any information about yourself.
No matter which one you pick, a lot of fun will be included, and you can be creative with these online game ideas and customise them. You should schedule a fun staff or team online gaming hour after work regularly to keep the momentum of the team spirit alive.
Author Profile

- London Blogger
- Blogger and Educator by Passion | Senior Online Media & PR Strategist at ClickDo Ltd. | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in News & Education | I have completed a journalism summer course at the London School of Journalism and manage various blogs.
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