If there ever was a perfect season made, it’s got to be fall. It’s the season of pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween, and the best wardrobe that anyone can have. Fall fashion is one of a kind – cool enough for layering but not cold enough to bring out the puffy jackets.
And with the number of fashion designers and retail brands increasing each year, it’s nothing less than a competition trying to get your fall line out there and into the eyes of the public. While those in fashion may usually stick to more traditional forms of marketing such as billboards or magazine features, there’s an ever-increasing need to stay up with the times, and today, there’s nothing more relevant than social media marketing.
From unfettered reach to 24/7 customer access, social media opens up entirely new avenues for fashion marketing, and leveraging it is your best bet when promoting your fall collection.
Marketing your New Fall Collection on Social Media
1. Get Influencers to Try on your Fall Pieces
There’s nothing like a little try-on haul, and when it’s courtesy of your favorite influencers, then the excitement and allure just increase tenfold. Social media – particularly Instagram – is known for being the hub of influencers, and fashion and beauty are high up on the ranks of an influencer’s most thought-about digital aesthetics.
Partnering with leading fashion influencers for your new fall collection will not only get your pieces in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of fashionably-inclined people, but it’ll also increase engagement and interest in the product. Send over some of your best pieces to your selected influencers and in return get them to post stories or feed posts relating to their experience with your brand’s values.
Not only will you have a whole new clique of fashion-forward individuals, but your clothes will now be seen in a more functional and practical light once worn by influencers.
2. Perfect your Grid with Stunning Posts
With clothes, we’re talking about aesthetics, and nothing sells a cool new fall collection better than some stunning social media posts. Since social media – much like fashion – is all about the visuals, using one to leverage the other is the perfect marketing combination.
Plan out spreads to make your social media profiles pop and show off your best pieces creatively! And if you’re worried about nailing the graphics, then you can solve all your worries by using PosterMyWall to create customized fall themed social media posts. With dozens of free social media marketing templates available on the platform, you can pick and choose designs according to your brand’s identity.
And since PosterMyWall is completely free and easy to use, you can save precious resources by not having to hire a graphic designer!
3. Get TikTok Dancing!
TikTok is the Myspace of 2022 – everyone’s on it and trends blow up once they make their way onto the platform. Get your fashion designers to make short TikToks displaying their new collection, and get your retail staff and models to join in on the TikTok dance trend while wearing your new pieces.
You can even decide to promote your TikToks using their paid tools, pushing your content out to thousands of new users. And by using TikTok’s smart algorithm, you can target these users to be individuals with an interest in fashion, making them the perfect potential client for your new fall line!
4. Go Live on Social Media
If there’s one thing that most brands struggle to do, it’s engaging and communicating with their customers. To be one of the few that succeed at this, you can hold live sessions on your social media platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram.
Not only is this an excellent opportunity to show off and talk about your new fall collection, but you can also receive direct feedback from the people that matter the most, your customers. Once your customers start feeling seen and heard, their loyalty to your brand will increase, helping your fall line truly take off!
So, if you’re a clothing retail brand or fashion designer coming out with a stunning new fall collection, social media is the perfect place to promote it. Just stick to tried and tested strategies and elevate them by adding your brand’s own unique touch – soon, you’ll have more customers vying for your fall line than ever before!
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- Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches |
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